Split Acre Farm was founded in 2016.

With a Valentine's Day gift of three goats, who quickly became nine, our dreams of having a farm of our own started to become a reality. We started out growing on three acres, in two towns. In Hurdle Mills we grew in conjunction with The Breeze Farm, a Cooperative Extension project giving beginning farmers the tools and space they need to grow a sustainable business. In addition, we grew in Rougemont on a 300 acre farm we caretake.  In the fall of 2018 we took the incredible opportunity to sign a long term lease on our dream farm just down the road from our home. The 2019 season was our first all in one location, growing more diverse crops that ever. Though the goats didn’t stay in our long term plan, our dream has grown into the Split Acre Farm of today. We grow high quality diverse produce and flowers year round for our community.

Lisbeth loves seeding in the greenhouse, transplanting, and spending quality time with the goats.

Lisbeth loves seeding in the greenhouse, transplanting, and arranging flowers.

On most days Joe can be found on the tractor, hoeing in the field, or harvesting for market.

On most days Joe can be found on the tractor, hoeing in the field, or harvesting for market.